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The numbers provided by this calculator are estimates and may not be exact. The specific pay and benefits you can expect in the Air Force can vary based on several factors, including your rank, years of service, duty status, location and personal circumstances. You can personalize your results by entering your zip code, rank, tenure, and dependent status. Talk to your local recruiter to learn more about what’s available to you.
These calculations include the additional 10 percent raise for enlisted ranks E-1 through E-4, effective April 1, 2025.
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 YEARS $2,108.10 *
2 YEARS $2,108.10
3 YEARS $2,108.10
4 YEARS $2,108.10
6 YEARS $2,108.10
*Pay for E-1 Airmen Basic will be slightly lower for the first four months of service.
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 YEARS $2,362.80
2 YEARS $2,362.80
3 YEARS $2,362.80
4 YEARS $2,362.80
6 YEARS $2,362.80
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 YEARS $2,484.60
2 YEARS $2,640.60
3 YEARS $2,800.80
4 YEARS $2,800.80
6 YEARS $2,800.80
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 YEARS $2,752.20
2 YEARS $2,892.90
3 YEARS $3,049.80
4 YEARS $3,204.30
6 YEARS $3,341.40
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 YEARS $3,001.50
2 YEARS $3,203.70
3 YEARS $3,358.80
4 YEARS $3,517.20
6 YEARS $3,763.80
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 YEARS $3,276.60
2 YEARS $3,606.00
3 YEARS $3,765.00
4 YEARS $3,919.80
6 YEARS $4,080.60
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 YEARS $3,788.10
2 YEARS $4,134.30
3 YEARS $4,293.00
4 YEARS $4,502.10
6 YEARS $4,666.50
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 years $3,998.40
2 years $4,161.90
3 years $5,031.30
4 years $5,031.30
6 years $5,031.30
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 years $4,606.80
2 years $5,246.70
3 years $6,042.90
4 years $6,247.20
6 Years $6,375.30
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 Years $5,331.60
2 Years $6,044.10
3 Years $6,522.60
4 Years $7,112.40
6 Years $7,453.80
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 Years $6,064.20
2 Years $7,019.70
3 Years $7,488.90
4 Years $7,592.40
6 Years $8,027.10
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 Years $7,028.40
2 Years $7,917.30
3 Years $8,465.40
4 Years $8,568.60
6 Years $8,910.90
Payment table Years Benefit < 2 Years $8,430.90
2 Years $9,261.90
3 Years $9,870.00
4 Years $9,870.00
6 Years $9,907.80