Amenities on Base
Most bases have a wide range of amenities, ranging from day care to golf courses. However, each base is different, and the amenities may vary.
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work-life balance
Life in the Air Force requires hard work, but also allows time for your own pursuits. Typically, you can expect an eight-hour workday, leaving plenty of time to relax, recharge and do other things you enjoy once you change out of uniform.
For those in the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve, you’re able to serve part time one weekend a month while keeping your civilian career or furthering your education.

Throughout your Air Force career, you can expect to be deployed out of the country at least once. The length of an Air Force deployment ranges from four to 12 months depending on an Airman’s specific job, location and mission requirements. However, even though you may be in a different country, you’ll receive similar benefits and accommodations you’re used to finding on base.
The benefits of living on base are not just for the Airmen, but also their families. Whether it’s child care, a job or using any of the base’s facilities, we want to make sure you feel comfortable, well taken care of and right at home.
It takes a lot of people to make an Air Force base function and civilians fill many jobs on base, with Air Force spouses and family members often getting first shot at those jobs. -
02 Grade School
To make life even more convenient, most bases will have schools for your children. The majority of Air Force bases will have elementary schools and some of the larger bases will even have middle and high schools. -
Many Airmen are also parents, so we offer before- and after-school care for their school-age children. Just drop your kids off on the way to work, and we’ll make sure they make it safely to and from school. -
With basketball, soccer and football teams and leagues on almost every base, your child can experience and enjoy the camaraderie and competition of team sports. -
You won’t have to look farther than our on-base Child Development Center for quality day care. We work with children’s motor, cognitive and social skills while developing their self-worth and preparing them for kindergarten.
If you’re enlisted, where you’re stationed is based on the needs of your mission. To be assigned a base, there must be a need for your field there. If you’ve previously served, you’ll have the opportunity to list five bases where you’d like to be stationed. Once you qualify and there’s an opening, you’ll be offered an assignment.
After military training and after Technical Training for enlisted Airmen, you’ll be assigned to the base location that can best utilize your skills. It is likely that your base location will change as often as every three years.
Yes. Bases offer on-base guest accommodations that enable family members to visit Airmen at a lower cost than what is available off base. Airmen can regularly entertain friends who live off base at on-base rec centers.
While deployments are an opportunity for you to represent our country overseas, we understand it’s difficult to go so far away from loved ones. Deployments are a way of life for Airmen. Every 20 months, you may go on deployment. Plan to be deployed out of the country at least once in your Air Force career. The length of an Air Force deployment ranges from four to 12 months depending on an Airman’s specific job, location and mission requirements.